Google New Policy: Inactive Gmail Accounts to be Deleted Starting December 1, 2023

Google has issued a warning to users with dormant Gmail accounts – starting December 1, 2023, the tech giant will initiate the deletion of inactive accounts.

If you possess multiple Google accounts or have a Gmail account that’s fallen into disuse, it’s imperative to take action now to safeguard your data.

Account Deletion Criteria:

Under the updated policy, Google will delete accounts that have remained inactive or haven’t been signed into for at least two years.

The deletion process will encompass all data within these accounts, including photos, calendar entries, emails, contacts, and documents stored in Google Drive.

It’s crucial to note that this deletion policy applies only to personal accounts, excluding school or business accounts.

Security Concerns Driving Deletion:

Google cites enhanced security as the primary motive behind deleting inactive accounts.

According to the company’s internal data, such accounts are often associated with outdated or reused passwords, lack regular security checks, and may lack two-factor authentication setups, making them more susceptible to security threats.

Preserving Your Data:

To prevent the deletion of your Google account, ensure that you sign in and engage in some activity within your account.

Whether it’s reading or sending emails, utilizing Google Drive, watching YouTube content, downloading from the Play Store, or any other Google Account-related activity, regular engagement will keep your account safe from deletion.

Data Backup Options:

For users who wish to download or back up their data, Google provides options to do so.

Visit Google’s official Google Account Help site or utilize the Google Takeout service for assistance in saving your data before the December 1 deadline.

Act now to secure your digital information and avoid potential data loss.


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