Start Profitable Tempered Glass Business from Home

If you are looking for a profitable business, we have an excellent idea for you. The demand for tempered glass for mobile phones is increasing every day.

When people buy a mobile phone, they usually get tempered glass installed immediately to protect the screen from scratches.

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Mobile manufacturers do not provide tempered glass, so it must be bought separately.

Materials and Equipment Needed

To start making tempered glass, you will need the following materials and equipment:

Anti Shock Screen Protector Film: This is the primary raw material.

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Automatic Tempered Glass Making Machine: This machine comes with software and works through an application.

Packing Material: For packaging the tempered glass for sale.

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Making Tempered Glass at Home

Making tempered glass at home is easy with an advanced tempered glass making machine. Here are the steps:

1) Fit the tempered glass sheet into the machine.

2) Switch on the machine and connect it to your mobile or laptop.

3) Download the application for the machine.

4) Design the type of tempered glass you want in the app.

5) The machine will automatically create the tempered glass based on your design.

6) Once ready, take out the tempered glass, pack it, and it’s ready for sale.

Cost of Starting the Business

To start any business, it is essential to get the necessary licenses to avoid legal issues. Register your tempered glass manufacturing business to comply with the law.

The initial cost for the machine is less than Rs 1 lakh. Including additional minor expenses, you can start this business from home for less than Rs 1.50 lakh.

Earnings from the Tempered Glass Business

The cost of making one tempered glass is about 10-15 rupees. In the market, tempered glass sells for 100 to 200 rupees,

and sometimes even more for higher quality. This means you can easily earn up to 80 rupees per tempered glass.

Choosing the Right Glass for Your Phone

There are many types of tempered glasses available, such as plastic guards, screen guards, and glasses labeled as 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 9D, and 11D.

Each type varies in price and quality. It is best to use glass with more layers and good thickness to protect the phone screen from pressure if the phone falls.

Generally, a 2.5D glass is considered ideal for a smartphone screen as it provides good protection against breakage.


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