Excess SIM Cards in your Name could lead to Heavy Fines

New Delhi:

If you have too many SIM cards registered in your name, you could face serious consequences.

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Exceeding the limit set by telecom regulations may result in hefty fines or even imprisonment for repeat offenders.

Here’s everything you need to know about SIM card limits and how to check the number of SIMs registered in your name.

Maximum SIM Card Limit

The number of SIM cards you can own varies by region.

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According to Nitin Arora, partner at Grant Thornton India, the maximum limit is 9 SIM cards per person in most telecom circles.

However, in Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, and the Northeast Licensed Service Areas (LSA), the limit is reduced to 6 SIM cards.

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Starting June 26, 2024, owning more SIM cards than the allowed limit will result in penalties.

The first violation incurs a fine of up to Rs 50,000. Continued violations can increase the fine up to Rs 2 lakh.

In cases involving fraud, the penalties are even harsher, with potential imprisonment of up to 3 years or a fine of up to Rs 50 lakh, or both.

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Responsibility and Verification

Even if you haven’t personally registered more than the allowed number of SIM cards, you are still responsible if someone else has done so in your name.

Under the new Telecom Act of 2023, obtaining SIM cards through fraudulent means is also punishable.


It’s crucial to monitor the number of SIM cards registered in your name.

Telecom operators use advanced software and analytics to track SIM card registrations.

To verify the number of SIM cards in your name,

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you can visit the Sanchar Saathi portal, which provides detailed information about your registered SIMs.


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