How to transfer your Confirmed Train Ticket to another Person? (see process here)

Railway regulations allow for the transfer of reserved tickets to another person’s name.

However, there are specific guidelines established by the Railways governing the ticket transfer process.

Here, we outline the rules and procedures for transferring your railway ticket to someone else.

Eligibility for Ticket Transfer

According to railway rules, any confirmed reservation ticket can be transferred to another person’s name.

However, it is important to note that tickets with waitlisted status cannot be transferred.

The Railways has defined certain circumstances under which ticket transfers are permitted.

Transfer Within Family Members

You have the option to transfer your ticket to a family member, such as your father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, or wife.

However, distant relatives like maternal uncles, cousins, or cousins-in-law are not eligible for ticket transfers.

To transfer a ticket to a family member, an application must be submitted to the Chief Reservation Supervisor (CRS) at least 24 hours before the train’s departure.

Ticket Transfer for Wedding Groups

In case you were originally part of a wedding group but there have been changes in the members, the Railways allows for ticket transfers under such circumstances.

The head of the marriage party needs to submit a written request to the Chief Reservation Supervisor 48 hours prior to the train’s departure.

The request should include the names of the individuals who will be traveling in place of the originally listed passengers.

Ticket Transfer for Students

Students enrolled in recognized educational institutions also have the option to transfer their tickets to another student.

The head of the educational institution needs to request the Chief Reservation Supervisor to transfer the ticket to the desired student’s name.

This request should be made at least 48 hours before the train’s departure.

Ticket Transfers for NCC Cadets

National Cadet Corps (NCC) cadets can have their tickets transferred to another cadet’s name.

The NCC officer in charge of the group needs to submit an application to the Chief Reservation Supervisor at least 24 hours prior to the train’s departure.

Ticket Transfer for Government Employees

In the case of a ticket issued in the name of a government employee who is unable to travel, another government employee can travel in their place.

To facilitate this transfer, the authorized authority should submit a written request to the Chief Reservation Supervisor at least 24 hours before the train’s departure.

Our Thought

Lets face it, we all have gone through a situation where we have a confirm ticket and we are unable to travel but we want someone else to go on our behalf. This was not possible earlier. But with recent changes, you can now transfer your ticket to someone else.

It is not as easy as changing name on railway app but is possible through counters in railway station. You need to follow proper procedure.

I hope we told you something interesting today. Will you prefer transferring your ticket to someone else or just canceling and booking another would be your choice? comment below


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