Telecom Department directs to block 392 Handsets and 31k Mobile Connections

The country’s people are dealing with intense heat and also need to be cautious about scams. There is a connection between the heat and scams.

During this time, scammers are highly active, particularly exploiting the increased electricity usage in summer.

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One such scam, known as the Electricity KYC Update Scam, is prevalent.

Scammers impersonate electricity officials and send messages to people, asking them to update their KYC details.

They threaten to disconnect the electricity supply to their homes if KYC is not updated.

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In addition to this, these messages often contain links that lead to scammers gaining access to your personal information.

Scammers exploit this to deceive you.

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To combat this, the Department of Telecommunications has taken decisive action by instructing the blocking of 392 mobile phones.

These phones were reportedly used in the electricity KYC update scam.

Register your complaint on Chakshu Portal

The government discovered this scam through the Chakshu portal, which they created for assistance.

If you get a call or message from an unknown source, you can use this portal to report and lodge your complaint.

As people began receiving messages from scammers pretending to be electricity department officials and asking for KYC updates, they started reporting these incidents on the Chakshu portal.

Following this, the government utilized AI to investigate and track down 392 mobile phones and over 31,740 mobile numbers that scammers were using in the electricity KYC update scam.

How to avoid such scams?

To avoid falling victim to scams, it’s crucial not to share sensitive information like bank details, OTPs, or account numbers with anyone, as scammers can misuse such data.

Additionally, avoid clicking on links in unfamiliar messages.

If you need information about the electricity department, visit its official website.

Never share your KYC details in response to unknown calls or messages.

Use a strong password for your online electricity bill account and enable two-factor authentication for added security.


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