Start your own Post Office Franchise Business with Just Rs 5000 Investment

Partnering with a government institution can be a lucrative business opportunity, and one such option is opening a Post Office franchise.

With approximately 1.55 lakh post offices across India, these establishments offer various services like money orders, selling stamps and stationery, postal deliveries, and small savings accounts.

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Types of Post Office Franchises

India Post provides two types of franchises: outlet and Postal Agents franchise.

The outlet franchise involves setting up a physical location, while the Postal Agents franchise entails door-to-door delivery of postal stamps and stationery in both urban and rural areas.

Eligibility and Application Process

To qualify for a franchise, individuals must be at least 18 years old, not have any family members employed in the postal department, and hold an 8th-grade certificate from a recognized school.

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Interested parties can apply by filling out a form and, upon selection, sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with India Post.

Investment and Returns

Investment requirements vary depending on the type of franchise.

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Outlet franchises require less investment as they primarily provide services, whereas more investment is needed for Postal Agents due to the purchase of stationery items.

A minimum security deposit of Rs 5000 is required to open a franchise.

Earnings include commissions such as Rs 5 for speed post, Rs 3-5 for money orders, and a 5 percent commission on postal stamps and stationery, among others.


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