Start Date for Coarse Grains and Paddy Purchase announced

Farmers in Madhya Pradesh now have a great opportunity to sell their produce at fair prices. The state government has set up a procurement policy for paddy, jowar,

and millet at the Minimum Support Price (MSP). For the Kharif Marketing Year 2024-25, good quality paddy, jowar,

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and millet will be purchased from farmers based on the MSP announced by the central government.

To make sure the policy is followed, all government officers involved in procurement have been instructed to act responsibly. If any negligence is found, action will be taken against the concerned officials.

Procurement Dates and Agencies

The procurement will start on specific dates: jowar and bajra will be bought from 22 November, and paddy will be bought from 2 December at MSP.

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The amount purchased will depend on the average quantity bought in the last three years and the area under cultivation.

The Madhya Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation will handle the purchase of paddy, jowar, and bajra.

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Other government-authorized agencies may also participate in the procurement process, while the Madhya Pradesh Warehousing

and Logistics Corporation will manage storage and maintenance of the purchased grains.

Setting Up Procurement Centers

Procurement centers will be set up in locations that are convenient for farmers. These will mainly be in warehouses or other suitable locations.

If these are unavailable, centers may be set up at committee or other levels.

The number of procurement centers in each district will be decided based on the number of farmers registered and the area sown.

Institutions Involved in Procurement

Various institutions can be involved in procurement, including cooperative societies, women self-help groups,

and other willing organizations. The eligibility of these institutions will be determined by the department.

Gunny Bags and Quality Control

For paddy procurement, 46% old and 54% new jute bags will be used. Jowar and bajra will be procured in new jute bags.

The procurement agencies will be responsible for arranging the bags. All procurement will follow the guidelines set by the Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food

and Public Distribution. Institutions handling procurement will also ensure quality testing of the produce. Non-FAQ (Fair Average Quality) produce will be checked by Krishi Upaj Mandi.

Booking a Slot for Selling Produce

Farmers must book a slot online to sell their produce at the procurement center. The portal for booking is

The procurement agency will handle transporting the grains from the center to the warehouse,

and millers will be responsible for moving paddy directly from the center to the mills.


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