Possessing 2 Voter ID Cards can land you in Jail – Follow These Guidelines

New Delhi:

Voter ID cards are not just a means of exercising your democratic right to vote but also serve as vital identity and address proof documents.

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With the upcoming Lok Sabha elections approaching,

it’s crucial to understand the rules and regulations surrounding Voter ID cards to avoid legal complications.

Why Having 2 Voter IDs Can Land You in Trouble?

Having multiple Voter ID cards is not only against the law but can also lead to severe consequences, including imprisonment.

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According to the Public Representation Act of 1950, being registered as a voter in more than one voter list is illegal and can result in a jail term of up to one year, along with fines.

Cancel Duplicate Voter IDs

If you find yourself in possession of two Voter ID cards, it’s essential to rectify the situation promptly to prevent legal trouble.

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You can cancel the duplicate ID by filling out Form Number 7 and submitting it to the Election Office of India or the office of the Booth Level Officer (BLO) or Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM).

How to Proceed

1) Fill out Form Number 7 accurately. Submit the form to the Election Office of India or the relevant authority.

2) Alternatively, you can also submit the form to the office of the BLO or SDM. Ensure timely submission to avoid any complications.

Stay Informed, Stay Compliant

As responsible citizens, it’s crucial to adhere to the rules and regulations laid out by the Election Commission of India regarding Voter ID cards.

By staying informed and following the prescribed guidelines, you can avoid legal entanglements and contribute to the smooth conduct of the electoral process.


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