Paytm launches UPI Payment Feature for Indian Travelers Traveling Abroad

Paytm, a fintech company, has introduced a new feature to make international travel more convenient for its users.

Now, Paytm users can make UPI payments at select locations abroad. Indian travelers can easily use the Paytm app for cashless payments wherever UPI is accepted.

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This feature is available at popular destinations like the UAE, Singapore, France, Mauritius, Bhutan, and Nepal.

As a result, Paytm users can now shop, dine, and make other payments more easily while traveling abroad.

What makes this new Paytm feature special?

The UPI International feature can be easily activated on the Paytm app with a one-time setup by linking the user’s bank account.

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Once activated, the app will automatically prompt users to activate the feature when scanning a UPI-enabled QR code abroad, making it easy to use.

Travelers can select a usage period ranging from 1 to 90 days based on their trip and can deactivate the service anytime, ensuring payments are made only when needed.

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This feature also prevents accidental transactions with foreign merchants once users return to India, offering extra security and control.

Transparency has also been ensured

During payments, users can view foreign exchange rates and any conversion fees applied by the bank, ensuring full transparency.

Paytm’s UPI International service allows travelers to manage their spending easily and control transactions across popular international destinations.

This feature helps users find everything from restaurants and shopping spots in Dubai to markets in Singapore, beach bazaars in Mauritius, artisan craft shops in Bhutan, and local shopping in Nepal.

Paytm, India’s leading mobile payments and financial services company, aims to serve half a billion Indians and integrate them into the mainstream economy through technology.


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