The Railways has announced three special trains from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra to Prayagraj for pilgrims attending the Kumbh Mela.
These trains aim to provide convenience to the visitors traveling to the event.
Schedule of Special Trains from Katra to Prayagraj
The first special train will leave from Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Katra station on January 24 at 3:50 am.
It will reach Prayagraj (Phaphamau) at 4:25 pm on January 25. On the same day, the train will return to Katra.
The next two special trains will depart from Katra on February 7 and 14. These trains will arrive in Prayagraj the following day.
They will then depart from Prayagraj at 7:30 pm on February 8 and 15, reaching Katra at 10:00 pm the next day.
Additional Special Trains for Maha Kumbh
In preparation for the Maha Kumbh Mela in 2025, the Railways have started running special trains from various states.
For example, the Bhopal division has introduced a special train running twice a week between Rani Kamalavati Railway
More Special Trains for Kumbh Mela
To support the ongoing Maha Kumbh, Railways have also started special trains from various states. In the Bhopal division, a special train is running between Rani Kamalavati Railway Station
and Banaras, operating two days a week for the convenience of those heading to the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj.