DoPT changes LTC Rules for Central Government Employees

The guidelines for Leave Travel Concession (LTC) have been updated for central government employees by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT).

These guidelines outline who is eligible for LTC among central government employees and explain the terms and conditions associated with it. Let’s delve into the government’s LTC rules.

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What is LTC for central government employees?

According to the Office Memorandum dated April 30, 2024, the LTC scheme is a discounted travel benefit for government employees to travel to their hometown or anywhere in India within a four-year period.

Under the scheme’s rules, employees can choose to use the hometown LTC twice within a two-year block or visit their hometown once in two years and travel anywhere in India during the second two-year block.

According to OM, they will get LTC

1. Civilian government employees working in the Defence Service regarding civil service issues.

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2. State government employees working on deputation with the Central Government.

3. Individuals employed on a contract basis.

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4. Retirees who have been re-employed.

These categories of employees are not eligible for LTC:

1. Part-time government servants.

2. Casual and daily wage workers.

3. Individuals receiving reimbursements for incidental expenses.

4. Railway employees.

5. Members of the armed forces.

6. Locally recruited staff in Indian Missions abroad.

7. Individuals already eligible for other travel concessions during leave or otherwise.


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