Changes in Telecom Rules Effective July 1, 2024

Telecom regulations, including mobile number protocols, are set to undergo significant changes starting July 1, 2024. These amendments aim to prevent fraudulent activities within the telecom sector.

Introduction of Unique Porting Code (UPC)

The amended law introduces a new requirement known as the Unique Porting Code (UPC). This code is essential for transferring mobile numbers between service providers, designed to prevent misuse like SIM swap or replacement fraud.

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Enhanced Security Measures

To strengthen security, requests for a unique porting code can now be rejected if initiated within 7 days of a SIM swap or replacement. This delay ensures a safeguard against fraudulent attempts to port numbers.

Key Regulatory Changes

Several regulatory changes are slated to take effect from July 1, 2024, aimed at reducing fraud and enhancing user protection:

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Limit on SIM Cards per ID: Individuals can now only register up to 9 SIM cards on one ID, reduced to 6 in Jammu & Kashmir and Northeast states.

Penalties for Violations: Penalties for exceeding the SIM card limit include fines of Rs 50,000 for the first offense and Rs 2 lakh for subsequent violations.

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Legal Consequences for Misuse: Illegal acquisition of SIM cards using others’ IDs may lead to imprisonment up to 3 years and fines up to Rs 50 lakh.

Commercial Messaging Restrictions: Companies are prohibited from sending commercial messages without user consent, punishable by fines up to Rs 2 lakh.

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Emergency Measures: The government reserves the right to take over the telecom network in emergencies, including the interception of calls and messages.

These changes reflect the government’s proactive approach to safeguarding telecommunications and preventing fraudulent activities.



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