Central Govt implements New Post Office Act, 2023 in the Country

The Post Office Act, 2023 has been enacted nationwide, with an accompanying notification issued by the Government of India.

This law aims to modernize the framework governing postal services and stamp duty regulations.

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The new law, effective from Monday (June 18), aims to make access to government services easier for people across the country.

It also ensures that government benefits reach even the most remote areas, thereby improving people’s lives.

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The Post Office Act, 2023 was introduced in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of Parliament, on August 10, 2023.

The bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha on December 4, 2023, and subsequently considered and passed by the Lok Sabha on December 18, 2023.

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The Act received assent from the President on December 24, 2023, and was published in the Gazette of India on the same day by the Ministry of Law and Justice for public information.

What is the new post office law?

A Ministry of Communications statement mentioned, “The Act aims to establish a straightforward framework for delivering citizen-centric services, banking services, and government scheme benefits to the most remote areas.

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It eliminates outdated provisions related to letter collection, processing, and delivery, aiming to enhance ease of business and daily life.”

The ministry also stated, “This Act does not include any punitive provisions. It establishes a uniform system for using addresses, address identifiers, and postal codes for goods.”


The Post Office Act, 2023 replaces the Indian Post Office Act, 1898, which was enacted during the British colonial period to modernize postal laws.



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