Bank Overdraft Facility: Withdraw up to Rs 10,000 Even with Zero Balance

In times of sudden financial need, having an empty bank account can pose significant challenges.

However, there’s a solution that many may not be aware of: the Bank Overdraft Facility.

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This facility allows account holders to withdraw money from the bank even when their account balance is zero, providing a lifeline during emergencies.

Key Details about Overdraft Facility:

Overdraft is essentially a type of loan offered by banks to their customers.

Unlike traditional loans, overdrafts do not require lengthy application processes or forms; the facility is readily available to eligible account holders.

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Account holders can withdraw funds through ATM or other channels, depending on the bank’s policy.

The withdrawal limit is determined by the bank, and interest is calculated on a daily basis, distinguishing it from conventional loans.

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While loans typically accrue monthly interest, overdrafts may incur higher interest rates due to daily interest calculations.

Eligibility and Criteria for Availing Overdraft:

Basic Savings Account holders who have maintained their accounts well for at least six months are eligible for overdraft facilities.

The account must be linked to the Aadhaar number.

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This facility is also extended to Jan Dhan account holders.

Applicants must be aged between 18 to 65 years to qualify for overdraft benefits.


How to Access Overdraft Facility:

Upon opening an account with a bank, inquire about their overdraft facility.

Account holders meeting the eligibility criteria can avail themselves of overdraft facilities, typically up to Rs 10,000.

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