Mahindra has increased the prices of its popular 5-door Thar Rocks models by up to 2.86% or Rs 60,000. This price hike applies to both petrol and diesel versions.
However, the good news is that only one of the five petrol variants has seen a price increase, while six out of the thirteen diesel variants have experienced a price hike.
The entry-level variants of both petrol and diesel models remain unchanged, with the starting ex-showroom price for petrol at Rs 12.99 lakh and for diesel at Rs 13.99 lakh.
New Prices for Mahindra Thar Rocks Petrol Variants
The new prices for the petrol variants of Mahindra Thar Rocks are as follows:
MX1 MT: Rs 12.99 lakh (No change)
MX3 AT: Rs 14.99 lakh (No change)
MX5 MT: Rs 16.49 lakh (No change)
MX5 AT: Rs 17.99 lakh (No change)
AX7 L AT: Rs 20.49 lakh (Increased by Rs 50,000)
The price hike is only seen in the AX7 L AT variant, which is now Rs 50,000 more expensive than before, raising its price from Rs 19.99 lakh to Rs 20.49 lakh.
New Prices for Mahindra Thar Rocks Diesel Variants
Regarding the diesel variants, the prices for most models remain unchanged, but there are increases in a few. Here’s a breakdown of the new prices:
MX1 MT: Rs 13.99 lakh (No change)
MX3 MT: Rs 15.99 lakh (No change)
MX3 AT: Rs 17.49 lakh (No change)
AX3 MT: Rs 16.99 lakh (No change)
MX5 MT: Rs 16.99 lakh (No change)
MX5 AT: Rs 18.49 lakh (No change)
AX5 L AT: Rs 18.99 lakh (No change)
The variants that have seen a price increase include:
MX5 MT 4×4: Rs 19.09 lakh (Up by Rs 30,000)
AX5 L AT 4×4: Rs 21.09 lakh (Up by Rs 10,000)
AX7 MT: Rs 19.49 lakh (Up by Rs 50,000)
AX7 MT 4×4: Rs 21.59 lakh (Up by Rs 60,000)
AX7 L AT: Rs 20.99 lakh (Up by Rs 50,000)
AX7 L AT 4×4: Rs 23.09 lakh (Up by Rs 60,000)
These changes reflect a noticeable price hike in several of the diesel variants, ranging from Rs 10,000 to Rs 60,000.