Bonus Calculation Request by Railway Employees

If you or someone in your family works in the railways, this news might be important for you.

A group of railway employees has requested Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav to calculate their Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) based on the 7th Pay Commission instead of the 6th Pay Commission.

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Sarvjeet Singh, National General Secretary of the Indian Railway Employees Federation (IREF), stated that the current bonus is calculated on a minimum salary of Rs 7,000 per month, according to the 6th Pay Commission.

However, under the 7th Pay Commission, the minimum salary is Rs 18,000, which railway employees have been receiving since January 1, 2016.

Railway Employees’ Contribution Boosts Income

Singh added that calculating the PLB based on a minimum salary of Rs 7,000 is unfair to the employees.

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Several IREF members highlighted that during the nationwide lockdown due to the Covid pandemic, railway employees worked tirelessly to keep trains running while most people stayed home.

Their hard work contributed to a significant increase in railway income, as seen in the quarterly reports.

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However, the discontinuation of the senior citizen concessions by the Railways during the pandemic has impacted its profits.

Demand for Fair Bonus Calculation

IREF emphasized that, as per government guidelines, railway employees should receive a bonus equivalent to 78 days of their basic salary.

Currently, they are paid Rs 17,951 based on the Rs 7,000 minimum salary from the 6th Pay Commission.

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Singh noted that under the 7th Pay Commission, where the minimum salary is Rs 18,000, the bonus for 78 days should be Rs 46,159.

The current bonus of Rs 17,951 is insufficient, especially considering rising inflation.


Potential Benefit of Rs 28,200

If the government calculates the 78-day bonus based on the 7th Pay Commission, each railway employee would receive a benefit of Rs 28,208 (Rs 46,159 – Rs 17,951).

In a letter to the government, the Indian Railway Employees Federation has requested that the PLB be calculated based on the 7th Pay Commission,

ensuring a happier festive season and allowing employees to continue their valuable contribution to railway operations.

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